A Proven Process

Renovating your home or building a new home? Both project types have similar challenges that will require on-going interaction with your chosen designer and builder. For a successful outcome, be prepared to dive into the deep end!


Often the first decision that must be faced is whether to renovate a home or remove it from the lot and build a replacement home.

Does renovation make more sense if you are only considering a kitchen and bathroom project, or do you really want those higher ceilings on all levels?

These and many other questions can be answered during an initial meeting with a Channel representative. Important questions that, when answered by a qualified professional, will provide the best design and cost solutions for your specific needs. Large projects generally benefit from the engagement of a “full-service” contractor such as Channel that is capable of taking responsibility for all aspects of feasibility, design, cost projection, permitting & construction.



During an initial in-home meeting, we would review your ideas, rough plans & options and project a rough range-of-cost. This pricing information is invaluable in expediting early-stage decision making.

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Building code requirements and structural issues can usually be addressed in this first meeting. We can also solicit opinions from City Planning personnel, engineers or other professionals, if more in-depth information is required.


Once conceptual drawings are available, your rough estimate can be refined. Then when construction drawings and specifications have been prepared, a Formal Estimate Package can be generated.

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Design & Drawings

Concept and preliminary drawings, as well as a site plan, street-scape, construction drawings and interior space-plan drawings will variously be required for your renovation or new home build. We would involve an architect or architectural designer, engineer and surveyors, interior and/or kitchen designers, all as needed for various phases of your project. If you have already had drawings prepared, we would be happy to provide a project/construction management bid.


This process can be frustrating, time consuming and seemingly convoluted to the uninitiated. Our experience with the Planning Department can expedite approvals for all types of Applications, particularly for Development & Building Permits.




We are experienced managers of all facets of this detailed process, from assembling & assessing supplier bids, purchasing, scheduling and site & trade supervision, to quality control. It almost goes without saying that regular communication with our customers is of utmost importance. Further to that, we provide a week-to-week schedule outline, so you know what to expect. Also, a key “decision-point” timeline to motivate the shopper in you and a “preferred-supplier” guide to make that process simple and fun.


In addition to our standard two year Material/Workmanship Warranty and Warranties provided by various suppliers and product manufacturers, we also provide extended “third-party” Warranty protection for your new home project. And, of course, if customers experience a problem or have a question beyond Warranty coverage, they are welcome to contact us at any time.

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Do you have questions about your dream home renovation? Channel Custom Builders have the answers. Serving the Calgary area for over 25 years, we've seen it all when it comes to home renovations & remodeling. Contact us today to bring your Grand Plans to Life!